Edge Impact
Orange, Freeserve and Wanadoo email addresses to shut down 31st May 2017Ref: 153
Date: Sat 06/May/2017, 12:01
Contact details: Ken Good
EE are ceasing to provide email facilities on any of the Orange.net, Orangehome.co.uk, Wanadoo.co.uk, Freeserve.co.uk, Fsbusiness.co.uk, Fslife.co.uk, Fsmail.net, Fsworld.co.uk, Fsnet.co.uk after the 31st May 2017.
Take action before you lose your email, because after the 31st May you will not be able to get access to them.
Details of the closure and recommendation to open a Gmail.com email account instead can be found by going to the page below. They also explain how you can import your existing email.
If you want to talk about this, need assistance or want to set up your very own domain name and email facility then contact your local company Edge Impact Websites at www.edgeimpact.co.uk/contact.php.