Edge Impact Consulting Ltd t/a

Email Set Up on our servers

Webmail - online access to your email using a browser:

We only provide new hosting facilities on our Linux Cloud servers and to access your email using Webmail, go to www.YourDomainName/webmail and login using your full email address and your password. On our older Windows servers it is www.webmail.YourDomainName. 

A. To set up Outlook with your new Linux Cloud email Account:

Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)
Username:    yournewemailaddress@yourdomainname
Password:    Use the email account’s password.
Incoming Server:    mail.yourdomainname
•    IMAP Port: 993
•    POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server:    mail.yourdomainname
•    SMTP Port: 465
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.

Non-SSL Settings (NOT Recommended)
Username:    yournewemailaddress@yourdomainname
Password:    Use the email account’s password.
Incoming Server:    mail.yourdomainname
•    IMAP Port: 143
•    POP3 Port: 110
Outgoing Server:    mail.yourdomainname
•    SMTP Port: 25
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.

B. To set up Outlook 2010 IMAP to sync with your Windows email Account:

  1. Go to File then click Account Settings and then "Account Settings...".
  2. Click "New...".
  3. Select "E-mail Account" and click Next.
  4. Enter your name (or business name), your email address in full and your password then click. 
  5. Server Information:-
    Account type: IMAP
    Incoming mail server: mail.YourDomain.Name
    Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mail.YourDomain.Name
  6. Logon Information:-
    User Name: YourEmailAddress@YourDomain.Name
    Password: Your password for this email account.
  7. Then click on "More Settings..."
    On the General tab: enter your email address in full and optionally Organisation
    On the Outgoing Server tab: tick the box "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" and select "Use same settings as my incoming mail server"
    On the Advanced tab: enter "Incoming server (IMAP)" as 143. Set "Outgoing server (SMTP)" if it is on a Windows server to 25 and if this does not work (some ISPs and hotels block port 25) then try 49. If it is a Linux server then set "Outgoing server (SMTP)" to 25 and if that does not work then 26.
  8. Click OK
  9. Click Next

    Your email should be operational.

C. To set up Outlook 2010 to pull from your Windows email POP box:

  1. Go to File then click Account Settings and then "Account Settings...".
  2. Click "New...".
  3. Select "E-mail Account" and click Next.
  4. Enter your name (or business name), your email address in full and your password then click. 
  5. Server Information:-
    Account type: POP3
    Incoming mail server: mail.YourDomain.Name
    Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mail.YourDomain.Name
  6. Logon Information:-
    User Name: YourEmailAddress@YourDomain.Name
    Password: Your password for this email account.
  7. Then click on "More Settings..."
    On the General tab: enter your email address in full and optionally Organisation
    On the Outgoing Server tab: tick the box "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" and select "Use same settings as my incoming mail server"
    On the Advanced tab: enter "Incoming server (POP3) as 110 and "Outgoing server (SMTP) as 49
  8. Click OK
  9. Click Next

    Your email should be operational.

D. To set up Outlook 2003 to pull from your Windows email POP box:

  1. Go to Tools then click Email Accounts.
  2. In the Email section, click the option to "Add a new e-mail account" and click the Next button.
  3. Select the POP3 option and click the Next button.
  4. Enter your name (or business name) and the email address in the User information
  5. Enter the Server information:
    Incoming mail server: mail.YourDomain.Name
    Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mail.YourDomain.Name
  6. Enter the logon information:
    User Name: YourEmailAddress@YourDomain.Name
    Password: Your password for this email account.

  7. Ensure the Remember Password box is ticked.
  8. Then click on "More Settings..."
    On the General tab: enter your email address in full
    On the Outgoing Server tab: tick the box "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" and select "Use same settings as my incoming mail server"
    In the Connection tab select "Connect using my local area network (LAN).
    On the Advanced tab: enter "Incoming server (POP3) as 110.  Set "Outgoing server (SMTP)" if it is on a Windows server to 25 and if this does not work (some ISPs and hotels block port 25) then try 49. If it is a Linux server then set "Outgoing server (SMTP)" to 25 and if that does not work then 26.
  9. Click the Test Account Settings button.

    Your email should be operational.

E. Changing your spam filtering settings on your Windows email:

If you use Microsoft Outlook or similar, it is very important that you change the default settings for spam filtering every time you set up a new email address to ensure that you receive all emails sent to your email address.

The settings can be changed easily by going to http://webmail.xxx.co.uk where xxx.co.uk is your domain name:

  • Log on using your email address and password.
  • If you haven’t logged onto webmail for that account before you may get a window open up asking you which country you are in, select UK and click Finish.
  • Click the cogs icon (popup says Settings) on the left hand menu and second from bottom.
  • Click the + sign next to Filtering on the dropdown menu.
  • Click Spam Filtering
  • Select “Override spam settings for this account”
  • Click the Actions tab
  • Use the dropdown boxes to set the  'Low', 'Medium' and 'High Probability of Being Spam' to 'Add Text to Subject'. This will then add SPAM-LOW, SPAM-MED and SPAM-HIGH as appropriate to the headers of emails but most importantly it will ensure that you receive all emails sent to your account.

If you think you are missing some emails, log onto http://webmail.xxx.co.uk where xxx.co.uk is your domain name and see if the emails are in the Junk folder before contacting EdgeHosts Support.

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