Woodcote Volunteers Goes Live with Web App VOBS
Ref: 6
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024, 15:11
Woodcote Volunteers went live with YourWebApps Volunteer Online Booking System (VOBS) on the 18th March 2024. We worked with Tim Huelin, one of the Woodcote Volunteers, for a number of months providing additional features and functions in order to better meet their needs. Thank you to Tim for all his input and requests which has made the system much better than it otherwise would have been.
Tim was in the office taking calls from clients for bookings and using VOBs the first day. His comment was that they never had much to do. Volunteers are automatically notified of bookings without an assigned Volunteer at a specified time and Volunteers accept bookings themselves.
See Tim Huelin's testimonial on
www.yourwebapps.co.uk/EicCMS/testimonials.phpFor more details of our Volunteer Online Booking System (VOBS) click on
www.yourwebapps.co.uk/bookings/marketing or see the video on YouTube here
We have more enhancements to the VOBS system on the list to do, but if you have any requests for enhancements to VOBS or for new Web Apps then please
Contact Us with details and we will see what we can do for you.
These are exciting times for us and others wanting Web Apps they can use like their own.
Ken Good
Managing Director and CEO of Edge Impact Consulting Ltd, trading as
Edge Impact Websites,
YourWebApps.co.uk and