(Demo 2 - this content is as example) ×
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Edge Impact Cookie Policy Demo 2

This is a cookie policy notification demo page.

If you do not have a Cookie Acceptance Function on your website now then you are in breach of the law in the UK and EU.

In accordance with the UK and EU regulations which came into force on the 26th May 2011, all users to a website must be notified of the cookies being recorded on their computer and given the option to accept and continue with the viewing of your website pages.

How this demo of a Cookie Policy works: When a user comes to your website for the first time they will be presented with a sction at the bottom of your website pages containing your Cookie Policy. If they click the close option (X) then they will not be presented with the information again. If they do not click the close option (X) then after viewing 3 pages the Cookie Policy will disapear because it is assumed that if they continue to view the site after being notified then they by default accept your Cookie Policy. If they do not view your website for a year then they will be presented with your Cookie Policy again.

This demo shows the cookie notification sticks at the bottom of a page and to show this we have put in blank lines in the page content.

If you do not see the Cookie Policy window then click here to see how it works.

To abide with the law contact Edge Impact to have a Cookie Policy applied to your website.

To return to Edge Impact's Cookie Policy information click here.